Scientific Computing

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自然科学和社会科学的许多学科都包括一个重要的子学科,它是明确计算的. 例子包括天文学、生物学、化学、经济学和物理学. In some fields, such as biology, 计算的使用已经变得如此广泛,以至于基本的计算知识越来越重要,可能很快就会被要求.

科学计算专业为学生提供了一个发展基本设施的机会,其中包括将计算应用于科学问题的工具和概念, 并探索他们自己主要学科的具体计算方面.

Learning Goals

As students progress through the curriculum, they will:

  • learn to read, write, and debug code in at least one programming language, using idioms appropriate to the major field of study.
  • apply computational reasoning to a broad set of problems.
  • 学习所需的工具和概念,以计算方法处理他们专业学科内的科学问题.
  • 理解计算方法在解决问题方面的利弊和局限性.g., accuracy vs. computation time, approximations needed to make real-world problems calculable, numerical errors inherent to computations themselves).



六门必修课程中有三门是欧洲杯买球app官网计算的一般问题(见下面的要求A和B):其中两门是计算机科学和编程的入门课程, 第三个重点是在一个特定的科学学科中使用计算. 然后学生从选修课中选择剩下的三门课程(见要求C)。, 用至少两门课程将他们的计算工作与他们的专业联系起来(记住,集中的2-3门课程也必须算在学生的专业中). Finally, the student must also complete a project-based experience, 可能在完成其中一门课程期间(要求D).

Students majoring in astronomy, biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics, 和物理应该查阅目录的相关部分,了解这种浓度与他们的学习课程的关系.

Given the abundance of math, physics, chemistry, 以及在要求B和C中列出的计算机科学课程, 这些专业的学生在选课时应该没有问题(尽管在选课时应该咨询专业协调员之一)。. Example “Requirement C” tracks for majors in astronomy, biology, chemistry, and economics are available, 但学生当然可以选择其他课程(与协调员协商).

Concentration Requirements

该集中包括六个学分,分为四类要求, denoted (A), (B), (C), (D). 这些仅仅是分类标签,我们无意表达时间顺序. In fact, 我们预计,许多非计算机科学领域的学生在发现对该专业的兴趣之前,将至少学习一门(B)和/或(C)要求的课程, 然后再上一些课程来满足其他的要求.

这六门课程应从以下列表中选择,并由学生的专业顾问批准. Of the six credits required for the concentration, (B)或(C)中不超过两门课程可以计入学生的专业和专业. (Also, per College rules, 学生可以不计算毕业所需的32个课程学分的任何课程,实质上重复另一门课程的内容已经完成, 即使课程编号可能会暗示一个前进的顺序. For example, both introductory computer science courses, CMSC H105 and CMSC B109, cannot be taken for credit.)

Categories of Requirements

Category A

一年的计算机科学和编程入门课程,可能包括(CMSC H105 and CMSC H106) or (CMSC B109 and CMSC B113) or (CMSC H107). CMSC H107可以采取在成功完成:CMSC H104或CMSC B115或CS安置考试."

Category B

一门课程包括定期的编程作业和熟悉特定学科的编程习惯用法, chosen from the following list:

ASTR H204Introduction to Astrophysics1.00
ASTR H341Advanced Topics: Observational Astronomy1.0
ASTR H3441.0
CMSC H207Data Science and Visualization1.0
BIOL H311Advanced Genetic Analysis0.5
CMSC H287High Performance Scientific Computing1.0
CMSC H208Speech Synthesis and Recognition1.0
CMSC/LING H325Computational Linguistics1.0
CHEM H304Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics1.0
CHEM H305Quantum Chemistry1.0
MATH H222Scientific Computing: Continuous Systems1.0
MATH S066Stochastic and Numerical Methods1.0
PHYS/ASTR H304Computational Physics1.0
CHEM H352生物物理化学主题:大分子晶体学0.50
MATH B325 Advanced topics in Applied Mathematics

Category C

三个学分的选修课,其中使用计算来研究现实世界的现象, 在一个由该学科的标准决定的显著水平上. 这三个学分中至少有一个必须来自300级的课程(不包括高级研究)。. 在科学领域,一个规范的途径是学生选修这张列表上的两门授课课程,并将高级研究的一个学分用于这一要求. Alternatively, 学生的高级工作不是计算,但谁仍然希望继续专注可以完成三个教学课程从这个列表. These courses should be drawn from the following list:

Any of the courses on the (B) list above
BIOL H357 (Topics in Protein Science)0.5
BIOL H301Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 (Bioinformatics Superlab)1.00
CHEM B322Advanced Physical Chemistry: Mathematical Modeling & Natural Processes1.0
CMSC H235Information and Coding Theory1.0
CMSC/LING H325Computational Linguistics1.0
ECON H324Advanced Econometrics1.0
MATH H204/B210Differential Equations1.0
MATH H210Linear Optimization1.0
MATH H361Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis1.00
MATH H394Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Discrete Math1.0
MATH H397应用数学进阶主题:动态过程模型1.0
MATH H382/B308Mathematical Modeling and Differential Equations1.00
MATH S056Modeling1.0
如果项目的重点是科学计算,最多可获得1个高级研究学分 11.0
MATH H396Advanced Topics: Probability and Statistics1.00
STAT H203Statistical Methods and their Applications1.00

e.g., ASTR H404, BIOL H40x, CHEM H361, CMSC H480, MATH H399, PHYS H41x

Category D:

完成本课程的某些部分必须包括基于项目的经验,其中计算应用于研究现实世界的现象, e.g.,

  • 具有重要的科学计算组件的高级论文/经验,或
  • A summer research experience, or
  • 一门课程的多周项目,该课程可能是(也可能不是)满足要求的三门选修课之一(C)

Concentration Coordinators and Departmental Representatives

Chase 103C
jchandlee [at]
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

(On Leave 2020-2021)

dgrin [at]
she, her, hers
The John Farnum Professor; Professor of Physics and Astronomy

John Farnum Professor of Physics and Astronomy

KINSC Link 108
alommen [at]
Professor and Chair of Chemistry
clonderg [at]
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics; William H. and Johanna A. Harris Chair of Computational Science

Applied math/scientific computing (On Leave 2023-2024)

rmanning [at]
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
370 Lancaster Ave
smathieson [at]
Assistant Professor of Biology

Researching microbiology, evolution, ecology, bioinformatics, 同时对视觉传达感兴趣的科学研究.

Sharpless 214
emiller3 [at]